
Saturday, August 25, 2012

two skeches

Earlier this month I had jury duty. I was lucky and wasn't even called for any trail when I went so now I'm awaiting the check for having done my part. (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆

I was prepared for the tedium and brought some drawing tools.

And that's all~ Going to go and prepare dinner now or something ww

Saturday, August 11, 2012


It's been a bit so I thought I update. Getting internet at the apartment was surprisingly much easier than getting internet back at old house during that time it went ka-poot. That time, 6+ was spent on the phone screaming at idiotic tech-support. A conversation with the manager was demanded in order anything to get anywhere.

Anyways I have some pictures of the apartment which is still so very messy so don't mind said mess in the pictures ^^;;

Marcel prefers an unmade bed; for propping up on the blanket folds/wrinkles.
I think I need a legit garbage can.
There you have it! I've been working on some artwork but it's stressful now because I don't know where everything is exactly... I was in such a rush to pack (had less than a week or so) that I think I very well threw out sketchbooks by mistake and other unfortunate things D:

School starts less in a month!! orz Speaking of school, I finally got the theme of the junior-year thesis project. The theme is "Kings & Queens". I'm a bit disappoint it has to be based on real people, meaning this project calls for a biographic approach, but I suppose it's the only way one can do concrete research. I have a few people in mind I want to do but the problem is their titles go along the lines of prince, princess, godmother...
But there's still plenty of time to think so no need for panic now. ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌