Seriously, it's just too hot which is why I haven't been painting at all. I need a stupid canvas but it's just too hot to go out into the city. It took me forever to decide to get masonite or a cheap canvas but I finally decided with the latter; at least the edges won't scrape as easily. I just hope I can put it in my profile despite materials.
I've been a bad illustrator eh? :| It's already the end of July and I've done since Crimson was doodles!
I spent a good amount of this month hating everything moreso than usual. Like:
•How at every meal I eat until bursting and then feeling fat,
•How it's near-impossible to not buy food that isn't without some kind of carb when having to eat out,
•How businesses are flat-out ignoring my emails/calls when I want to buy something from them or want to use their services,
•How my skin, no matter what I do hates me back and rebels against looking not-diseased,
•How PoupeeGirl, which I've been playing since 2009 is possibly shutting down soon,
•Not having money for anything (and I said I wanted to buy stuff lol)
I don't know why small stuff is really ticking me off lately. I'm still hanging onto the positive aspects of this internship, but goodness are the people I work with are really dense at times. I won't write about that here though, tempting as it is.
Now, let's relax and listen to this guy sing enka.
It's been over two years since my favorite band broke up, and while I don't associate myself with the music nor fandom anymore, I sort of remembered why it was my favorite band after this video.
Does your favorite band's drummer own at singing?