
Friday, May 30, 2014

what next?

I don't really like to write about my life anymore because it is a series of hope leading to fallen-through plans.
I'm surprised I miraculously made to graduation. Just obtaining my cap and gown was an uphill fight and then some. It still hasn't sunken in and I'm sure for years to come, I'll continue dreaming about being late to school, missing my stop, and missing an assignment.
I haven't stopped having such dreams since I walked the aisle haha

I don't have plans yet. I just want to rest and clean myself up a bit first.

While sounding incredibly ranty, I am not! I just realized that idealizing things that are temporary and materialistic has no interest to me anymore, thus I gave up trying to find things to talk about because no one likes sounding forced.

My experience at SVA was pretty worthwhile, but it is still no surprise to me that while my social life has improved, most of my friends are outside the art world. As for art skills? I don't think I can reach beyond high school student's level... and I was told just that. But right now, sadly art isn't a priority now. Right now I want to secure some sort of income.

 macarons, courtesy of someone who I don't spend enough time with.

Until then? I'm taking it [somewhat] easy, because those loans don't repay themselves. If anything has sunken in, it's the realization that life probably becomes even more mundane now.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


You heard me right. It's here. That thing I promised to do.

Made a website.

It's cool. It's neat. And it's fat-free.

And it's got artwork on it. And if that doesn't amaze you then get o-....

Thursday, February 13, 2014


One of my professors stated that February is one of the worst months of the year, and I agree. There isn't much that doesn't frustrate me lately, and there is very little that that doesn't.
sold out Amon Amarth tickets is hardly comparable to a night of drinking to relieve sorrows

Since it's already February, there's less than a month left to spring break. I hoping by the end of that week I would have already decided what platform my official website will be built on, and that there would actually stuff up on it.

I'm moving back again, so I'm hoping to have -some- amount of space to do art. In a perfect world I would have an actual room with a door for my studio. It'd be nice if the whole packing/unpacking step was magically done now, so I can decide whether to decorate/ add lights/ buy plants or not. What I really would like is a full-length easel; not like I would be painting anything that big that I need one, but it's significantly better to paint on a canvas the way you're going to be viewing it: straight up, so you know exactly what you're getting. 

eating and painting?!

I actually have a number of paintings completed since the spring semester started, but no photos today. Some other time, for sure. At the moment, there's a lot of other things to take care of that I haven't done yet...